Learn with Coalesce

Discover how to take your business to the next level with Coalesce’s courses.

Get ready to up-level.


Build a Business that Aligns with Your Life

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, Coalesce Group Coaching is a live, 12-week program designed to help women who are ready to amplify their lives while tearing down the barriers that seem to constantly be holding them back.

Currently closed for enrollment.


The Ultimate Project Management System

Learn Stacie’s step-by-step approach to organizing project tasks and deadlines – so you can get out of the weeds and back to investing in the work and life you love.

Real Words from Real Clients


“Without a doubt, had I not working with Stacie, “A Guide for When I am Gone” would absolutely still be in the idea stage.”

Stacie's masterclass helped me to take an idea that I had been thinking about for a long time to a finished product. She helped me come up with a realistic timeline for each step of the process, figure out my costs, source the materials, build excitement, decide on a price, and actually launch the presales. It was also helpful to collaborate with other people in the class because they were all knowledgeable in different areas and we were able to find a method that worked well with what I was trying to accomplish. Without a doubt, had I not worked with Stacie, "A Guide for When I am Gone" would absolutely still be in the idea stage. 

- Leah Fullenkamp, In the Blink of a Fly


“Stacie helped me identify what sets my business apart from others, determine its mission and values, and how to build systems that make the day-to-day flow easier so I can focus on growth.”

Stacie's class helped me to really hone in on my why for building my business. By identifying my ideal customer and figuring out her pain points I determined how I wanted to help my customers and my reason for doing so. Stacie also helped me identify systems and processes that I needed in my business to be able to balance my work with all I have going on in life. Stacie is great to work with! She really listens to what you need and helps you find ways to serve that need. Overall, Stacie helped me identify what sets my business apart from others, determine its mission and values, and how to build systems that make the day-to-day flow easier so I can focus on growth.

- Abby Shipley, The Ginger Hill Farmer